Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimization por Mind Map: Search Engine Optimization

1. How Does People Interact With Search Engine?

1.1. What are the 3 types of search queries that user performs

1.1.1. "Do" Transactional Queries Action queries E.g. Buying an airplane ticket

1.1.2. "Know" Informational Queries When a user search for information such as the best chicken rice in Singapore

1.1.3. "Go" Navigational Queries Search queries that ask for a particular online destination E.g. Facebook

1.2. What are the steps of search process?

1.2.1. 1. Experience the need for an answer

1.2.2. 2. Formulate the need into string of words or phrases known as "query"

1.2.3. 3. Enter query into the search engine

1.2.4. 4. Browse through the result for a match

1.2.5. 5. Click on a result

1.2.6. 6. Scan for solution

1.2.7. 7. If unsatisfied, return back to search result and look for another solution

1.2.8. 8. Perform a new search with refined query

2. How Do Search Engines Ensure User Friendliness ?

2.1. To Avoid

2.1.1. Duplicates

2.1.2. Canonicals Duplicate information on different URLs Use tag to redirect to source URL

2.1.3. Scrapping Protect information on website with complete links

2.2. Keywords

2.2.1. Ensures easier storage with smaller databases.

2.2.2. Faster retrieval with smaller DB

2.2.3. Not too many words

2.2.4. Specificality ensures quicker results

2.2.5. On-Page Optimisation Meta Description Tags URL Readable Important Title tag Short and Readable Not abusive On-page appearance

3. How Does Search Engine Works?

3.1. 1. Crawling and Indexing

3.1.1. Through links, search engines automated robots reach billions of interconnected documents

3.1.2. Engines find the page, decipher the code and store them in hard drives which is retrieved later in the search query

3.2. 2. Providing Answers

3.2.1. Provide answer by firstly retrieve relevant search followed by ranking the result

3.2.2. Search engines determine importance due to the popularity of a site, page, or document

3.3. So How Do I Get Some Success Rolling In?

3.3.1. 1.SEO Infomation From Google Webmaster Guildlines Make pages primarily for user not for search engines Make a site with clear hierarchy and text link Write page with clear and reliable content Use keyword with human-friendly URL and descriptive keywords.

3.3.2. 2.SEO Infomation From BING Webmaster Guildlines Ensure a clean , keyword rich URL structure in place Make sure content not burried inside rich media Create keyword-rich content based on user research on Update content regularly Don't put text indexed inside images

4. How to do keyword search?

4.1. Value

4.1.1. Can be determined by past data

4.1.2. Gives worth to webite

4.1.3. Searched in major engines

4.1.4. Can use sample campaign to "test" traffic to website

4.2. Long tail of keyword demand

4.2.1. 70% of useless research many unuique keywords searched once or twice not prepared to use functions, just browsing

4.2.2. 30% of profitable research prepared to use functions, i.e buy a product precise research

4.3. Difficulty

4.3.1. Understand demand for the given term

4.3.2. Know the work required to achieve high ranking

4.3.3. Prepared to work among high ranked websites

4.3.4. Taking a uphill road to higher ranking might take a long time

5. What is Link Building?

5.1. What types of metrics are there?

5.1.1. Ranking for relevant search terms To search for some of the keywords and phrases that page targets

5.1.2. SEOmoz mozRank Shows how popular a given web page is on the web and Pages with high mozRank (popular) scores tend to rank better.

5.1.3. Domain Authority Is a query independent measure of how likely a domain is to rank for any given query

5.1.4. Compeititor's Backlinks Examine backlinks of a website that is highly ranked to gain valuable intelligence about the links that help them achieve this ranking

5.1.5. Number of Links on a Page The value that a link passes is diluted by the presence of other links on a page

5.1.6. Potential Referral Traffic Link building should never be solely about search engines. Whereas we should build links that send high amounts of direct click-through traffic not only tend to provide better search engine value for rankings, but also send targeted, valuable visitors to your site

5.2. 5 Samples of Link Building Strategies

5.2.1. Get your customers to link to you. Creates graphic icon to link back to your website when you have partners you work with regularly or loyal customers that love your brand

5.2.2. Build a company blog. Blog have unique ability to contribute fresh material on a consistent basis, participate in conversations across the web, and earn listings and links from other blogs

5.2.3. Create content that inspires viral sharing and natural linking Known as "linkbait" users who see it once want to share it with friends, and bloggers/tech-savvy webmasters who see it will often do so through links

5.2.4. Be newsworthy Earning attention of press, bloggers and new media

5.2.5. Find directories or listings of relevant resources. use the search engines themselves to find lists of pages that offer outbound links in this fashion

5.3. Link Signal

5.3.1. Global Popularity • The more popular and important a site is, the more links from that site matter. • Example: Wikipedia

5.3.2. Local/Topic-Specific Popularity • Links from sites within a topic-specific community matter more than links from general or off-topic sites. • Example: Earning links form Dog house when the website is about Dog Breeders matter.

5.3.3. Anchor Text • If dozens of links point to a page with the right keywords, that page has a very good probability of ranking well for the targeted phrase in that anchor text. • Example: "click here" will rank solely due to the anchor text of inbound links.

5.3.4. TrustRank • Search engines use systems for measuring trust, many of which are based on the link graph. • Earning links from highly trusted domains could result in a significant boost to this scoring metric. • Example of high-trust domain: Universities and government websites.

5.3.5. Link Neighborhood • By looking at a spam website of these links in aggregate, search engines can understand the "link neighborhood" your website exists in. • Choose those sites you link to carefully and be equally selective with the sites you attempt to earn links from.

5.3.6. Freshness • It's important to earn links to your website and to continue to earn additional links over time. • Known as "FreshRank," search engines use the freshness signals of links to judge current popularity and relevance.

5.3.7. Social Sharing • There are debate among search professionals on how search engines factor social link signals into their algorithm

5.4. Link Building Basics

5.4.1. "Natural" Editorial Links • Links that are given naturally by sites and pages that want to link to your content or company.

5.4.2. Manual "Outreach" Link Building • The SEO creates these links by emailing bloggers for links, submitting sites to directories, or paying for listings of any kind. • Examples include filling out forms for submissions to a website award program or convincing a professor that your resource is worthy of inclusion on the public syllabus.

5.4.3. Self-Created, Non-Editorial • Hundreds of thousands of websites offer any visitor the opportunity to create links through guest book signings, forum signatures, blog comments, or user profiles which may be low value but still have an impact for some sites.