What's needed next?

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What's needed next? por Mind Map: What's needed next?

1. Society

1.1. Empower every citizen in a more sociable / collaborative way

1.1.1. Plug-in our own information

1.2. Improve digital citizenship

1.3. R& I community as medium

1.4. User education

1.4.1. Simplified ToU

1.4.2. Empower aging population to digital tools

2. Sharing information

2.1. Control the right information (see terrorism)

2.2. Expand accessibility

2.3. Framing mass control

3. Rules and laws

3.1. Make ISP more responsible

3.2. Empowering vs protection

3.3. More info and education on being on Internet

3.3.1. Simple Terms of Use

3.3.2. Simple templates to explain

3.4. Strict rules for posting information on the Internet

3.5. Trustful surveillance

3.6. Clear definition of what goes on the Internet

3.7. People's right to know what MS know about them

4. Trust & Privacy - Data Use

4.1. Empower user to predictability

4.2. Encourage use of open standard

4.3. More holistic approaches

4.4. More autonomous and intuitive solutions to privacy

4.5. More confidence to use Internet

4.6. Inform users about their data (Transparency)

5. Big Data

5.1. More research n how to handle data

5.2. Need of new / more advanced physical infrastructure

5.3. Regulation of Internet traffic

6. Streaming the EU agenda - simplification off landscape

7. Policies

7.1. Invest on research networks

7.2. Elaborate compatible program for models and standards

7.3. Enforce data roaming regulation

7.4. Make R & I more close to citizens

7.5. More education especially on ICT

7.6. Shaping rather than opposing

7.7. Require use of open standards by law

7.8. Concentrate on strengths

7.9. Holistic approach

7.10. Investment on R & I and deployment of new infrastructures

8. Business models

8.1. Evolution of open source

8.2. Creation of ecosystems

8.3. Bring solutions to markets & people

8.4. Enable change ASAP

8.5. Crowd funding to be enforced in EU

8.6. Consistent policy across EU

8.7. Encourage global and compatible model = standardization

8.8. Encourage failure = being able to take more risks