Business Exam

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Business Exam por Mind Map: Business Exam


1.1. Social

1.2. Legal

1.3. Economic

1.4. Political

1.5. Technological


2.1. Stregths

2.2. Weaknesses

2.3. Opertunities

2.4. Threats

3. External Influence

3.1. Interest rates

3.1.1. Loan

3.2. Exchange rates

3.2.1. Exchange rates from Italy

3.3. Unemployment

3.4. Inflation

3.5. Competition

3.5.1. Monopoly

3.5.2. Oligopoly

3.5.3. Competitive

3.6. Enviroment

3.7. Laws/Ethics

4. Cash Flow (NOT PROFIT)

4.1. In Flow

4.2. Out Flow

4.3. Net Cash Flow

4.4. Problems & Solutions

5. Business Ownership

5.1. Franchise

5.2. Unincorporated

5.2.1. Sole Trader

5.2.2. Partnership

5.3. Incorporated

5.3.1. Private Limited Company

5.3.2. Public Limited Company

5.4. Charity

6. Source of Finance

6.1. Loan

6.2. Overdraft

6.3. Factoring

6.4. Sales and Leaseback

6.5. Debentures

6.6. Mortgages

6.7. Share Issue

6.8. New Parter

6.9. Trade Credit

7. Budgeting

7.1. Variance

7.1.1. Favorable

7.1.2. Adverse

7.2. Historic

7.3. Zero- Based

8. Break Even

8.1. Definition + Formula

8.2. Graph

8.3. Margin of Safty

8.4. Advantages + Disadvatages

8.5. FC + VC

8.6. How break even influences (e.g. Interest rates affect Break-even)

9. Objectives + Stakeholders

9.1. -->

9.1.1. Owners

9.1.2. Employees

9.1.3. Competitors

9.1.4. Trade Union

9.1.5. Goverment

9.1.6. Supplier

9.1.7. Customers

9.2. Survival

9.3. Profit

9.4. Break-Even

9.5. Growth

9.6. Corporate Image

10. Record Keeping

10.1. The Importance of..