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Theories por Mind Map: Theories


1.1. Social Construction of Technology

1.2. Technology does not determine human action, but that rather, human action shapes technology

1.3. The way a technology is used cannot be understood without understanding how that technology is embedded in its social context.

1.4. Sometimes known as technological constructivism

2. Media Ecology

2.1. Media Ecology sees humans are affected by technology

2.2. The idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs

2.3. the interactions of communications media, technology, technique, and processes with human feeling, thought, value, and behavior


3.1. TPACK attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge

3.2. The three components of TPACK are: Technology Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge

3.3. Teachers try to mix the three together to find where they can intersect perfectly to allow for the greatest amount of potential to occur.

3.4. Every teacher views these components differently and values them differently.

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. A teacher’s personal philosophy about how they use technology as a teaching tool

4.2. There are many ways you can use technology in the classroom.

4.3. Smart board activities- You can create activities for every subject there is.

4.4. Assessment and Activities- You can watch movies and use media for some activities. You just have to make sure that you tell your students exactly what you are expecting when you are marking.

4.5. Reinforcement- Showing your students different ideas and different ways to create projects, or whatever it is that you need to reinforce- Technology is a great way to allow this

5. Connectivism

5.1. Motto: Learning theory for the digital age

5.2. 1. Learning is the process of creating connections

5.3. 2. Knowledge is distributed across a network of connections and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks

5.4. Key Principles

5.5. Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources

5.6. Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known

5.7. It is more important to know where to find things in your network than to know how or know what

5.8. Technologies

5.9. Twitter, Facebook, Webcam, Email, Chat, Google, Yahoo,

6. Constructivism

6.1. Motto: The mind is a rhizome(network)

6.1.1. Sub Idea 2

6.2. 1. Learning is building connections by actively interacting with the environment

6.3. 2. Begin with complex problems and teach basic skills while solving these problems

6.4. 3. Learning involves constructing one's own knowledge from one's own experiences

6.5. Key Principles

6.6. Teacher as a facilitator

6.7. Problem based learning/project based learning

6.8. Discovery learning/ Case based learning

6.9. Collaborative learning/ Active learning

6.10. Technologies

6.11. Smart board activities

6.12. Blogs

6.13. Photoshop

6.14. ePortfolio

6.15. Online labs

7. Cognitive Load

7.1. Motto: Mind is a computer

7.2. "Beyond the blank slate"

7.3. Processing information can over load or under load a memory

7.4. Key Principles

7.5. Practice retention

7.6. Organization

7.7. Mneumanice devices

7.8. Schema/ Scaffolding

7.9. Mental Maps

7.10. Atkinson- Shiffrin Memory Model

7.11. Sensory Memory

7.12. Short Term

7.13. Long Term

7.14. Working memory- this has replaced the term for short term

7.15. Technologies

7.16. Digital concept mapping

7.17. Electronic note taking

7.18. Learning management system- EClass, Blackboard

7.19. Prezi/ Powerpoint