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Theories por Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Constructivsm

1.1.1. Human learning is constructed

1.1.2. New knowledge is built upon the foundation of previous learning

1.1.3. Every learner brings their own unique ideas which will influence what new or modified knowledge they will construct

1.1.4. Learning is active

1.2. Connectivism

1.2.1. "Learning theory for the digital age"

1.2.2. Learning is continually active as the learner must search for the information

1.2.3. As teachers, we must provide our student with appropriate activities (i.e. research projects), so that students may find and make their own connections with knowledge

1.2.4. Learning is active

1.3. Cognitive Load

1.3.1. There are two types of memory: 1).Working Memory 2).Long term memory

1.3.2. Learning requires maximum use of our working memory as it is finite and limited

1.3.3. Working memory is used to take in information which then is moved to the long term memory where it is stored.

1.3.4. As teachers we have to be aware of how much new content we show our students so we do not overload their working memory

2. Technology Theories

2.1. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)

2.1.1. Success or failure of a specific technology IS socially determined

2.1.2. Human action shapes technology An example that highlights this point was years ago when Sony first unveiled Blu-ray and Microsoft created HD-DVD. Blu-ray was received much better by people then HD-DVD was due to a blu-ray player being including in Sony's new gaming console the PS3. As a result after many years of clashing, HD-DVD was finally discontinued to the lack of people interest in purchasing and supporting microsoft.

2.1.3. Resource used

2.2. Media Ecology

2.2.1. The study of media as environments

2.2.2. Our understanding of media is NOT as an object but as an environment (can include everything)

2.2.3. Looks into the matter of how media of communication affects a humans... 1).perception 2).understanding 3).feelings 4).value

2.2.4. Media Ecology Association

2.2.5. Video resource used

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. A teacher's personal philosophy about how they use technology as a teaching tool

3.1.1. This philosophy will highlight a teacher's personal values on how technology can be used to educate others. As a result teachnology will vary from teacher to teacher

3.2. I will eventually create my own written statement that will highlight my personal philosophy of teachnology

3.3. This use of technology is not limited to the classroom and also includes Professional development and online learning (e-class)


4.1. TPACK is a framework that identifies the types of knowledge teachers need to teach effectively with technology

4.2. A teacher is required to have three types of knowledge: 1. Content 2. Pedagogical 3. technological

4.3. TPACK highlights the new types of knowledge that lie at the intersection between these three basic types, they are as follows: PCK - Pedagogical Content Knowledge TCK - Technological teaching knowledge TPK - Technological Pedagogical Knowledge

4.4. The intersection of these three new types of knowledge create TPACK or Technological Pedagocial Content Knowledge