AB Testing

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AB Testing por Mind Map: AB Testing

1. 2 ways of AB tesing

1.1. Replace the element to be tested before the page loads

1.2. Redirect to another page

2. Don'ts of AB Testing

2.1. Never ever wait to test the variation until after tested the control. Always test both versions simultaneously. Always split traffic between two versions.

2.2. Don’t conclude too early. There is a concept called “statistical confidence” that determines whether the test results are significant

2.3. Don’t surprise regular visitors. Avoid shocking regular visitors, especially because the variations may not ultimately be implemented.

2.4. Don’t let your gut feeling overrule test results. The winners in A/B tests are often surprising or unintuitive.

3. Dos of AB Testing

3.1. Know how long to run a test before giving up.

3.2. Show repeat visitors the same variations.

3.3. Make your A/B test consistent across the whole website.

3.4. Do many A/B tests.

4. Advantages

4.1. Fast

4.1.1. Tt takes very little time to create a modified version of an existing web page that includes a modified item (like a new picture, new copy or other new element) and throw it up on tor site. Then, it’s just a matter of splitting traffic to the two pages.

4.2. Tests reality, not theory

4.2.1. Obtaining real results from real users doing real things

4.3. Quantifiable

4.3.1. A/B web site testing provides actual numbers that can be compared, sliced and diced to evaluate results.

4.4. Accurate

5. Disadvantages

5.1. Can Hurt Web Site Results

5.2. Missing the “Why”

5.3. Not Predictive

5.4. Needs Traffic

6. What is it?

6.1. Testing between 2 websites, A and B to see which one performs better

7. Common testing points

7.1. The call to action’s (i.e. the button’s) wording, size, color and placement

7.2. Headline or product description

7.3. Form’s length and types of fields

7.4. Layout and style of website

7.5. Product pricing and promotional offers

7.6. Images on landing and product pages

7.7. Amount of text on the page (short vs. long)