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Selection por Mind Map: Selection

1. Final selection factors

1.1. Review your objective

1.2. Review the job description to ensure through familiarity with the concrete requirements, duties and reponsibility

1.3. Consider the intangible requirements of the job

1.4. Evaluate applicants' reaction to various questions and statements

1.5. Compare an applicant's verbal and nonverbal communication patterns

1.6. Take salary requirements into consideration and compare these with the salary range for the available position

1.7. Acces reasons for leaving previous employers

1.8. Consider the applicant's potential, especially if the opening is a stepping stone to other positions

1.9. Coinsider whether this job and the organization overall appear to be appropriate for the applicant

2. Defination

2.1. The process of putting the right men on the job. It is the procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of the people.

3. The selection process/ Different types of selection

3.1. Screening applicants and resumes

3.2. Testing and reviewing work samples

3.3. Interviewing candidates

3.4. Making the selection

4. Final meeting checklist

4.1. Defination

4.1.1. It reflects all the paticulars of the available position. The checklist should represent a review of topics previously discussed with the applicant and also afew new topics like basic salary and benefits

4.2. How does it benefit the organization with an effective checklist?

4.2.1. This allows the employee to know what to expect and also the nonbeneficial and beneficial incentives that the company provides

4.2.2. Applicants will have a chance to reconsider their thinking

4.2.3. You will have a better sense of where you can afford to yeild

4.2.4. This allows the employee to know what to expect and also the nonbeneficial and beneficial incentives that the company provides

4.3. How to do it?

4.3.1. You and your prospective can sit down and go over the list together, check off each topic discussed then after that, give the individual a copy so that they can keep track of everything as well