Character Relationships

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Character Relationships por Mind Map: Character Relationships

1. Co-workers

1.1. Struggle for "too many" Women in the workplace

1.2. Alec Baldwin

1.2.1. Made 30 Rock what it is today

2. Husband

2.1. Jeff Richmond

2.2. Met at Second City

2.3. Had two kids,Alice Zenobia Richmond and Penelope Athena Richmond

2.4. Met at Second City

3. Family

3.1. Mom believed in hands off parenting, established independence

3.2. Dad was a strong man, not someone you messed with

4. Friends

4.1. Two good friends in Highschool were lesbian, taught her acceptance and how to live without having all of the attention on you

4.2. Amy Poehler

4.3. Two best friends as a kid were both gay, helped her learn about men and how they worked