LDES 5001 | Fall 2023 Readings Synthesis - Akmaral & Sicong

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LDES 5001 | Fall 2023 Readings Synthesis - Akmaral & Sicong por Mind Map: LDES 5001 | Fall 2023 Readings Synthesis - Akmaral & Sicong

1. Institutional Barrier

1.1. If UDL is so highly appreciated (CNDLS suggests using it Links to an external site.), why is it not widely accepted and implemented? (Andres)

1.2. I wonder if Georgetown University has policies encouraging UDL and if they do, why are they not mandatory if the benefits are clear? (Andres)

2. Flipped Learning

2.1. Why do most teachers warn their students against using artificial intelligence tools instead of teaching them the best ways to use them in the educational process so that their students understand the lesson? (Azy)

2.2. How can I rethink my teaching process (introduce a concept, then offer a hands-on follow-up activity) in a way that still provides proper grounding and intellectual framing but integrates engagement throughout? What would this look like? (Amanda)

3. Perceptions of Learning Validity

3.1. How might this shape young students’ perceptions of what constitutes a valid or valuable learning experience? (Hasini)

3.2. How might this create a divide between how students see their athletics and arts educators versus educators in other subjects/disciplines?( Hasini )

3.3. How can educators implement engaged pedagogy in their teaching practices? (Milos)

4. Teacher Integration in the Learning Process

4.1. How can structures within higher education actively limit the success of teachers who seek to implement liberationist practices in their classes? What steps need to be taken to change that, and are those steps actually possible?(Hasini)

4.2. How can the ideas suggested in Universal Design become an executable plan for teachers and schools? (Gladys)

4.3. What are the challenges that teachers might face when adopting a more inclusive and participatory approach to education? (Milos)

4.4. How do teachers take the first risk and model that exploration, experimentation, and failure are valued parts of the learning process? (Amanda)

4.5. How can teachers demonstrate that they are integrated in the learning process, growing alongside the students? (Amanda)

4.6. How can we make these ideas work in real classrooms, and how can schools help students and teachers grow in a more holistic way? (Akmaral)