Copy Checked Rows

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Copy Checked Rows por Mind Map: Copy Checked Rows

1. Across Database with table names

1.1. High

1.1.1. Maybe current collection affected to save checked table name

1.2. Restriction

1.2.1. Low scalability?

1.2.2. We will use bubble tag collection

1.2.3. Order associated to collection

1.3. Tasks

1.3.1. We need to implement a way to get column names or set column names manually

1.3.2. We need to research and implement way to save table names, maybe current collection affected.

1.3.3. Detect local language Series Values Column Names

1.3.4. Build code to copy

1.4. Estimated Time:

1.4.1. 5-6 days

1.5. Notes

1.5.1. Is really necesary two columns at the start?

2. Across Database without table names

2.1. Medium

2.2. Restriction

2.2.1. Low scalability?

2.2.2. No table names available to copy

2.2.3. We will use bubble tag collection

2.2.4. Order associated to collection

2.3. Tasks

2.3.1. We need to implement a way to get column names or set column names manually

2.3.2. Detect local language Series values Column Names

2.3.3. Build code to copy

2.4. Estimated Time:

2.4.1. 3 Days

2.5. Notes

2.5.1. Is really necesary two columns at the start?

3. No Across Database

3.1. Low

3.2. Restriction

3.2.1. No Across Database

3.3. Tasks

3.3.1. Define Expected Behavior

3.3.2. Add Columns Name (Fix Bug)

3.4. Estimated Time:

3.4.1. 1 day

3.5. Notes

3.5.1. Currently process add columns at the start for images