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Dog API por Mind Map: Dog API

1. breeds list

1.1. **List all breeds** **GET /breeds/list/all** return status code 200. Body with fields "message" with breeds and sub breeds, "status"

1.2. **Single random image by breed** **GET /breed/affenpinscher/images/random**

2. random image

2.1. **Display single random image from all dogs collection** **GET /breeds/image/random** return status code 200. Body with "message", "status"

2.2. **Display multiple random images from all dogs collection** **GET /breeds/image/random/3** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status" Max number returned is 50

3. by breed

3.1. **By breed** Returns an array of all the images from a breed, e.g. hound **GET /breed/hound/images** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status"

3.2. **Random image from a breed collection** **GET /breed/hound/images/random** return status code 200. Body with "message", "status"

3.3. **Multiple images from a breed collection** **GET /breed/hound/images/random/3** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status"

4. by sub-breed

4.1. **List all sub-breeds** Returns an array of all the sub-breeds from a breed **GET /breed/hound/list** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status"

4.2. **List all sub-breed images** **GET /breed/hound/afghan/images** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status"

4.3. **Single random image from a sub breed collection** **GET /breed/hound/afghan/images/random** return status code 200, body with fields "message", "status"

4.4. **Multiple images from a sub-breed collection** **GET /breed/hound/afghan/images/random/3** return status code 200, body with fields "message": [], "status"