Wikis & Visualization

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Wikis & Visualization por Mind Map: Wikis & Visualization

1. Financial Trends

1.1. general relationship analysis (mapping?)

1.2. economics

1.2.1. prediction & science history...scenarios..

1.2.2. speculation & rumour

1.2.3. fear - markets & individual

1.2.4. reporting of financial news - comment, opinion, blogs vs newspapers vs both, visualisation of text & visualisation of data - date, time, by whom

1.2.5. trading environment clutter - visual & auditory 'noise'

1.2.6. collaboration vs competition (wiki)

1.2.7. investment banking & financial crisis - other factors e.g universal banking etc

1.2.8. ethics

1.2.9. markets & wider economy

1.2.10. use of technology

2. RSS

3. Attention & Memory

3.1. colour & shape

3.2. diagrams vs photos vs 3D vs all 3

3.3. any psychological factors affecting creator & viewer of data

3.4. use of emotion words & pictures

4. National Surveys

4.1. what is too much data to represent

4.2. tables, multiple formats, junk compromises,

4.3. management of conversion of web data already available

4.4. public perception of stats, what is easy to understand

5. other wiki format options

6. Surrey

6.1. confidentiality statements difference between analysis to get detail in first place, then visualisation for a public document

6.2. wiki comments - difference, quick visualisations - wordle vs tag cloud vs word frequency bubbles vs anything else