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Theories por Mind Map: Theories

1. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT).

1.1. Human action shapes technology, a technological constructivism perspective.

1.2. The concept that human interactions with technology, helps shapes how technology is used in the classroom.

1.3. Helps determine which technologies are effective and why some are ineffective.

1.4. Principle of Symmetry, scientifically determining the success and failure of a technology. Teachers need to know what technology has been proven successful, to avoid incorporating an program that isn't the best suited for an assignment/activity.

1.4.1. Similar with Iphone and Blackberry. Blackberry is having a hard time competing with the Iphone.

2. Media Ecology

2.1. Is the study of Media as environments and the affects on people's lives

2.2. metadiscipline, defined as the study of technological communiation, media and the environment.

2.3. Explores what impact technology has on people, there thinking and patterns of behaviour

2.4. Knowlegde of technology is needed in today's classroom, especially how technology is changing and learning is evolving.

3. Theories of Technology

4. Frameworks

4.1. TPACK

4.2. A framework that identifies various domains that teachers need to sucessfully integrate technology

4.3. Pedagogical Knowledge-How to teach

4.4. Content Knowledge- knowing the material I teach

4.5. Technogical Knowledge- How I can integrate technology to support learning

4.6. The 3 different knowledges are represented in a ven diagram

4.7. Teachers need to find a balance between the 3 different knowledges, by constantly building on these skills

5. Behaviourism

5.1. The concept that learning is a function of environmental influences, through stimuli. Students can learn though reinforcements and consequences.

5.2. Classic conditioning where reinforcements are used to strengthen a particular response.

5.3. Learning happens through environmental factors. Teachers use reinforcements and consequences to assist in learning. Learning techniques include repetition and memorization.

5.4. Learning happens in a teacher centered environment, where teachers are instilling information

6. Constructivism

6.1. The concept that students are active participants in their learning and that learning takes place when tasks are authentic.

6.2. Students are encouraged to explore their own learning. Concepts are seen as a whole then broken down into small parts for students to explore

6.3. Learning is student centered where students actively construct there own knowledge. Problem solving tasks make it possible for students to have an authenic approach to there learning.

6.4. Teachers are seen as facilitators of learning, guiding students through the learning process. Instruction is project-based opposed to direct teaching.

7. Connectivism

7.1. Digital learning based on how students connect with their environment and each other through networking and digitial information.

7.2. Making connections to the changing technological environment. Being able to decipher relevent and irrevent information.

7.3. Learning is best supported through social interactions, networking, brainstorming ideas and working collaboratively in a digital age, to come up with solutions

7.4. Teachers are there to foster connections between students. Teachers also assist student on how to create a network of professionals, which becomes benefical in the furture employment.

8. Theories of Learning

9. Frameworks

9.1. Philosophy of Teachnology

9.2. Beliefs of how technology can and should be used in the classroom/teaching practices.

9.3. TPACK informs of your philosophy regarding technology.

9.4. Explores a teachers personal belief about how technology should be incorporated in their classroom.

9.5. In Alberta, teachers develop and implement a Professional Growth Plan (PGP). It outlines the goals that a teacher will achieve in that school year. It also allows a teacher to build on their philosophy of teaching.