Learning Theories

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Learning Theories por Mind Map: Learning Theories


1.1. Technology is shaped by human action.

1.2. The success/failure of a technology is determined by the people who use it, not by how well it operates.

1.3. Teachers need to educate themselves in various technologies so that they can teach their students about the pros and cons of certain technologies.

2. Media Ecology

2.1. Seeing media as an environment rather than an object.

2.2. Teachers need to understand that we are living in a digital age right now and their teaching strategies need to fit in with that digital age.

2.2.1. Different types of media need to be utilized in the classroom because they provide new ways for various types of learners to learn.


3.1. The different domains a teacher needs to include technology in their teaching practice.

3.2. Teachers must have content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK) in order to sufficiently teach a topic.

4. Connectivism

4.1. Learning process of making connections between previous knowledge and new incoming information.

4.2. Learners can improve their own learning by connecting new information to previously formed networks in their brain.

4.3. Teachers must take into account the fact that each student comes into their class with their own funds of knowledge.

4.3.1. Teachers should build upon those funds of knowledge rather than starting from scratch. They need to use what the students know already to deepen their understanding of new information.

5. Cognitive Load

5.1. In order to learn, we need to maximize our working memory because it is limited.

5.1.1. Long term memory helps our working memory and is unlimited in its capacity.

5.2. Teachers should use strategies like chunking and repetition to help students learn information and have it transfer from their working memory to their long term memory.

6. Constructivism

6.1. Learners are in charge of constructing their own knowledge based on previous experiences.

6.1.1. They construct new information on top of previously learned information,

6.2. Teachers need to step back sometimes to let students take charge of their own learning.

6.2.1. They need to provide them the opportunities to problem solve in real world situations.

7. Philosophy of Teachnology

7.1. A belief of how technology is utilized in teaching.

7.2. Teachers need to properly educate their students in technology so that they are actively participating in the digital age we're living in, and know how to safely use technology.