Composition 2- A Dangerous Situation

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Composition 2- A Dangerous Situation por Mind Map: Composition 2- A Dangerous Situation

1. Event 2: Samuel ran a total of three kilometres home. When he reached home, his parents' were surprised to see him. Samuel told them the story. Then they called the police. Outcome 1: The kidnapper was caught and put in jail.

2. Setting: Time: 3o'clock in the afternoon

3. Characters: Samuel, Kidnapper

4. Place: Melbourne road, a vacant house at the outskirt area of the city

5. Problem/Plot: Samuel did not come home although he had no CCAs and supplementary lessons. He went to the playground and was kidnapped. The kidnapper called to his home to his parents and demanded a ransom of two hundred thousand dollars in two days or Samuel will be dead.

6. Event 1:Samuel tried to escape when the kidnapper went to buy food and drinks.Outcome 1: Samuel succeeded by using a sharp razor to cut the rope.

7. Ending/Conclusion: Samuel promised not to ever go out himself if he had no lessons or CCAs. He turned over a new leaf