Rick and Nathan and Ian synergies

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Rick and Nathan and Ian synergies por Mind Map: Rick and Nathan and Ian  synergies

1. biz development opportunities

1.1. Can Ian' s team develop stuff for projects that Rick is connected to - eg Royal Holloway College, Stuff in digital media in Reading, Berkshire etc?

2. Needed

2.1. need bio and photos for blue lotus site

2.2. Memorandum of understanding

3. Blue Lotus

3.1. being a face for the team in UK - project management

3.2. Using associate model

4. China

4.1. have a lot of leads because of Singapore

5. Core biz models

5.1. offshoring opportunites

5.1.1. Being tech dev for Startups

5.2. Ad agencies clients

5.2.1. our 3D tech etc

5.3. normal digital media services -

5.3.1. competitive asian prices

5.3.2. european management