Validity & Reliability

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Validity & Reliability por Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. Predictive Validity Concurrent Validity Criterion Validity Internal Validity

2. Measures the results against a benchmark. Such as an IQ test where the test is given two different times between set time periods and then measured using the two scenes.

3. This predicts student’s ability such as testing of a group for comparison for result.

4. Predictive Validity:

5. Methods of Estimating Reliability Test and Retest or Stability Reliability: Test are administered twice and at two different points in time.

6. Test and Retest or Stability Reliability

6.1. What are my business goals?

6.2. Goal

6.3. Goal

6.4. Goal

7. Inter-rates Reliability

7.1. How can I spend more quality time with the family?

7.2. Goal

7.3. Goal

7.4. Goal

8. Parallel Forms Reliability: Comparing two different tests that were created by using the same content.

8.1. Internal Consistency:

8.2. Goal

8.3. Goal

8.4. Goal

8.5. One approach to determining a test internal consistency is split halves: This involves splitting the test into two equivalent halves and determining the correlation between the two.

8.6. Example of the two different versions of the same test:

8.7. May 6. Morning May 6, Afternoon

8.8. Test A (Form Z) Test A (Form Y)

8.9. Correlation, R=40

8.10. Rh=2rh

8.11. 1+rh

8.12. rh is the correlation for the whole test and Rh is the correlation between the two halves of the test. Administered to the same groups of students in a short period of time and scores correlated.

9. Content Validity

9.1. Achievement: Does the test measure the subject taught

9.2. Goal

9.3. Goal

9.4. Goal

9.5. Example: Reading class: Huckleberry Finn.

10. Construct Validity

10.1. What new hobbies would I enjoy?

10.2. Goal

10.3. Goal

10.4. Goal

11. External Validity

11.1. Concurrent:

11.2. Goal

11.3. Goal