The Creature

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The Creature por Mind Map: The Creature

1. Ugly

1.1. Monster

1.2. Terrifying

2. Lonely

2.1. No connections

2.2. Ditched by creator

3. Smart

3.1. Learned to talk by eavesdropping

3.2. Learned to read by reading the books

3.3. Learned everything through his senses

4. Not human

4.1. Monster

4.2. Has greater powers than most humans

4.3. Survived a gun shot

4.4. Created by animation

4.5. Made of dead people

5. Pain

5.1. Emotional pain

5.2. Physical pain

6. Human

6.1. Talks in sophisticated manner

6.2. Wants to reason with creator

6.3. Can read and talk

7. Desperate

7.1. Wants to negotiate with creator

7.2. Plans out strategy to talk to DeLeon

7.3. Too isolated, needs company