Drivers Ed Classroom

Create a To-Do list for your upcoming tasks

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Drivers Ed Classroom por Mind Map: Drivers Ed Classroom

1. Grading Procedures

1.1. Tests and Quiz's

1.1.1. 60%

1.2. Homework

1.2.1. 30%

1.3. Participation

1.3.1. 10%

2. Class Rules

2.1. Rules of Road Book

2.1.1. Every Tuesday/Thursday

2.2. Be in seat when bell rings

2.2.1. Have a pass

2.3. Textbook/Workbook

2.3.1. Bring Everyday

2.4. Pen/Pencil

2.4.1. Everyday

3. Absences

3.1. 8 Absences

3.1.1. Automatic Fail

3.1.2. State Law-30 Hours

3.2. Make-Up

3.2.1. You will be given 5 days notice of your work

3.2.2. Therefore, all work is due the day you come back

3.3. Late Work

3.3.1. Not accepted!

4. Respect

4.1. Show respect to fellow students and teachers at all times

4.2. You will receive that Courtesy in return

4.3. Treat others how you would like to be treated