Camera Exposure

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Camera Exposure por Mind Map: Camera Exposure

1. Shutter Speed

1.1. Shutter speed is the amount of time light can enter the camera.

1.2. Faster speed = shorter exposure time

1.3. Shutter speed correlates exactly 1:1 with the amount of light entering the camera.

1.3.1. EX: When shutter speed doubles the amount of light entering the camera also doubles.

1.4. Shutter Speed is a tool photographers use to freeze motion.

1.5. If a photo is blurry you can use a tripod or increase shutter speed.


2.1. In a camera lenshe area of the opening increases as the f-stop decreases.

2.2. Every time the f-stop value halves, the light-collecting area quadruples.

2.3. A narrow aperture range usually isn't a big problem, but a greater range does provide for more creative flexibility.

2.4. A camera's aperture setting is what determines a photo's depth of field


3.1. How sensitive a camera is to light.

3.2. Almost always desirable.

3.3. Low ISO speed= low image noise

3.4. High ISO speed= high image noise


4.1. Auto (), Program (P), Aperture Priority (Av), Shutter Priority (Tv), Manual (M) and Bulb (B) mode. Av, Tv, and M are often called "creative modes" or "auto exposure (AE) modes.

4.2. Auto: all exposure settings selected

4.3. Program: Selects aperture and shutter speed

4.4. Aperture Priority: specify the aperture & ISO

4.5. Shutter Priority:specify the shutter speed & ISO

4.6. Manuel:You specify the aperture, ISO and shutter speed

4.7. Bulb: Useful for exposures longer than 30 seconds.

4.8. Preset modes: landscape, portrait, sports and night mode

4.8.1. Portrait: Camera tries to pick the lowest f-stop value possible for a given exposure.

4.8.2. Landscape:Camera tries to pick a high f-stop to ensure a large depth of field

4.8.3. Sports:Camera tries to achieve as fast a shutter speed as possible for a given exposure — ideally 1/250 seconds or faster.

4.8.4. Night mode: Camera permits shutter speeds which are longer than ordinarily allowed for hand-held shots, and increases the ISO speed to near its maximum available value.

5. Understanding Exsposure

5.1. You do not want photos to be overexposed or underexposed

5.2. In photography, the exposure settings of aperture, shutter speed and ISO speed are analogous to the width, time and quantity.

5.3. Natural light is beyond our control.


6.1. Aperture: controls the area over which light can enter your camera

6.2. Shutter speed: controls the duration of the exposure

6.3. ISO speed: controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light

6.4. Each setting does something different and has different properties.