My Network

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My Network por Mind Map: My Network

1. Professor

1.1. Incubator Director

1.2. Cowboy Technologies

1.2.1. Commercialization of tech idea

2. High school teacher

2.1. City Councilor

2.1.1. Permits required?

3. Taylor (classmate)

3.1. build website

4. Boy Scounts

4.1. ???

5. OSU Entrepreneurship Club

5.1. ???

6. Parents

6.1. Loan

6.2. Intro to CEO at Mom's work

6.3. Banker

6.3.1. SBA Loan program

7. Julie (from church)

7.1. Dad is an attorney

7.1.1. Patent info?

7.1.2. LLC? Corp?

7.1.3. Liability issues?

7.1.4. Possible Board of Advisors

8. Shawn (Fraternity brother)

8.1. business partner?

9. Roommate

9.1. Roommate's dad

9.1.1. Marketing experience at Devon