Near Field Communication

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Near Field Communication por Mind Map: Near Field Communication

1. Impact of NFC

1.1. How NFC changes people's life?

1.1.1. More convenient?

1.1.2. too reliable on NFC?

1.1.3. Time saving?

1.2. The advantages of NFC

1.2.1. Fast and secure?

1.2.2. Could send information by one touch

1.3. The disadvantages of NFC

1.3.1. only transmit in short distance

1.3.2. might be affect by other device surround

2. Comparison of NFC to similar innovation

2.1. Different Function, Usage, Theory behind

2.1.1. RFID

2.1.2. Bluetooth

2.1.3. QR Code

3. NFC Application

3.1. Describe them one by one, how it function

3.1.1. NFC Speaker

3.1.2. NFC headset

3.1.3. NFC payment

3.1.4. NFC tag

3.1.5. Samsung S beam

4. s

5. s

6. Introduction

6.1. Definition

6.1.1. What is NFC? a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few inches.

6.1.2. How NFC function? Might include physics theory behind Antenna NFC Chip

6.2. Popularity

6.2.1. How common NFC in this society? how much people know wt is NFC? how many people have use before?

6.2.2. Is that a convenient innovation?

6.3. Common NFC example

6.3.1. Samsung S beam

6.3.2. NFC speaker

6.3.3. NFC headset

7. Development + History

7.1. TimeLine

7.1.1. Year, Event, involved people or company

7.2. Why invented?

7.3. Important changes on application of NFC

8. Reason for NFC to be an innovation

8.1. Fast transmition

8.2. could be used by just one touch

8.3. could be used in mobile phone