Goldstein's Method

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Goldstein's Method por Mind Map: Goldstein's Method

1. Research

1.1. Main informant Gloria

1.1.1. Represented as the poorest end of working class

1.1.2. Relies of community in hard times

1.1.3. Lives with extended family in small house with attached shack

1.1.4. The death of a family member brought dark humor into the family Formation of dark humor

1.2. Daily life Observations

1.2.1. Goldstein uncomfortable with contradictions in celebrations and humor

1.2.2. Carnival

1.2.3. Open up a time for all class members to celebrate together Books News sources Blogs Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research Survey data Size of topic

1.3. Participant/ Observer

1.3.1. Laughter was a way for the locals to communicate commentary on their social situations

1.3.2. One of most efficient and unique ways to interact with the locals

2. Humor Opens up Emotion

2.1. Humor is a means of escaping human suffering

2.2. The source of humor is not joy but sorrow

2.3. Absurdity of laughter

2.3.1. Shows the people understanding the world as a bit mad

2.4. Humor within the Brazilians

2.4.1. "giving voice to this group of women who have little access to the public sphere." (p.4)

2.4.2. "Humor is one of the fugitive forms of insubordination." (p.5)

2.4.3. A means to resist and overcome from the many movements (women, color consciousness, AIDS social movements) Black Humor "bad taste"

3. Defintions

3.1. favela

3.1.1. shantytown

3.2. "taste"

3.2.1. Bourdieu says, "taste is one of the mechanisms through which inequality, difference, and privileged are structured and embedded in one's habits, naturalizing schemes of perception" (p.36)

3.2.2. serves as a cloak for the real agenda for power changes depending on your social status

3.3. hegemony

3.3.1. influence or control over another country, a group of people

3.4. Gut Marxism

3.4.1. "Anthropologists and scholars whho generally feel deeply about the world situation and hold that it conforms broadly to Marx's theories of political economy and class conflict." (p.46)

3.5. Laughter Out of Place

3.5.1. Humor developed under the pressures of cruel circumstances

3.6. Primary Informant

3.6.1. persons who inform social scientists

4. Approach

4.1. "Combining thickness and sense of both political economy and historical underpinning of contemporary, ethnographically observed practice." (p.44)

4.2. Leans towards Gut Marxism

5. 5. Proofread & Finalize

5.1. Cover Page

5.2. Table of Contents

5.3. Bibliography