Theories and Frameworks

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Theories and Frameworks por Mind Map: Theories and Frameworks

1. 21st century Learning

1.1. Making sure individuals are technologically Literate and are able to handle the new changes that come along with technology

1.2. Is often a lot easier for younger generations because there used to it. Becomes hard when people aren't familiar with product that comes up.

1.3. Need to make sure to take the responsibility to learn about the new products so that we can take advantage of them

1.4. Technology and the world is always changing and we must be aware of that.


2.1. SAMR uses four levels to portray the continuum of how good incorporating Technology into education can be

2.1.1. 1. Substitution There is no real gain functionally with substitution. It is pretty much the same as just doing it on paper.

2.1.2. 2. Augmentation There is some functional benefit in augmentation. For example by doing it on the computer it saves resources and students might become more engaged because of the fact.

2.1.3. 3. Modification There is significant functional change using modification. This is the first step in which technology must be used to allow the benefits that it holds.

2.1.4. 4. Redefinition Now because of technology were are now able to complete tasks that we couldn't before. Technology offers a setting where learning is enhanced and student learning and discussion is generated because of this .

2.2. It is extremely important to understand the SAMR model because it helps us to see how it can impact teaching and learning.


3.1. As teachers we need to do 3 things to adhere to TPACK

3.1.1. 1. Content

3.1.2. 2. Pedagogy

3.1.3. 3.Technology

3.2. It is very important to understand the knowledge that exists at the intersection of the 3 TPACK principles to ensure of grasping all the knowledge

3.3. All teachers will need to continue to improve all three of three areas throughout their career to make the best overall experience for the students

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. Allign's with a teacher's teaching philosophy but now adds technology into this philosophy

4.2. Teachnology is broken down into four goals that we must adhere to

4.2.1. 1. Alignment- There must be a purpose of using the technology. It must "align" to make sure our learning objectives are being met.

4.2.2. 2. Accessibility- The work that has to be done must be accessible to the students easily. Also make sure your technology is ready to use and will work so your not spinning out when it doesn't.

4.2.3. 3. Assessment- It must be clear to the students that they understand what they will be graded on and how they will be graded.

4.2.4. 4. Reinforcement- Spice up your the way you teach through technology. For example incorporate a video to help the students learn better.

4.3. Is always going to be a continuum of updating your "Teachnology" through finding better ways of incorporating your technology use