Frameworks of Teaching

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Frameworks of Teaching por Mind Map: Frameworks of Teaching


1.1. Basis of TPACK comes down to 3 types of knowledge

1.1.1. Technology

1.1.2. Pedagogy

1.1.3. Content

1.2. Promotes new knowledge can come from intersections between the 3 types of knowledge mentioned, creating 4 additional types of knowledge

1.2.1. Pedagogical Content

1.2.2. Technological Content

1.2.3. Technological Pedagogical

1.2.4. Technological Pedagogical Content

1.3. It can help a teacher reveal their skill sets and allow them to build on them

1.4. TPACK image example


2.1. Substitution Augmentation Modification Redfinition Model

2.2. A model to understand the use and impacts of computer technology in the classroom

2.2.1. Increasing importance of student engagement with technology though a student's schooling

2.3. 4 levels of integration

2.3.1. Augmentation eg. Using an online site for activities or worksheets

2.3.2. Modification eg. Using an online classroom forum for discussion and questions

2.3.3. Redefinition Collaboration between members of a group project using online applications

2.3.4. Substitution Using online documents for homework and submitting via online or printing them.

3. 21st Century and Philosophy of Technology

3.1. Addresses the increasing use of technology in the classroom and how its value is growing

3.2. Using technology to reinforce or complement the basis of your teaching outline

3.3. Having the required technology available to the students to keep with the growing technology in the classroom

3.4. Using your PLN as an essential tool to increase a teacher's ability to grow as a better professional