Web meeting, conferencing and virtual world tools

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Web meeting, conferencing and virtual world tools por Mind Map: Web meeting, conferencing and virtual world tools

1. Screen sharing tools

1.1. Anyplace Control

1.2. BeamYourScreen

1.3. Bosco’s screen share

1.4. Gogrok

1.5. Join.me

1.6. LiveLook

1.7. Mikogo

2. Webcasting tools

2.1. Capture anywhere

2.2. Google+ Hangouts

2.3. LiveStream

2.4. Screen Stream

2.5. uBroadcast

2.6. Ustream

2.7. Ustream

3. Virtual world tools

3.1. Edusim

3.2. Forterra OLIVE

3.3. OpenSim

3.4. Protosphere

3.5. Second Life

3.6. Teleplace

3.7. ThinkingWorlds

3.8. Toolwire

4. Web meeting, webinar & virtual classroom tools

4.1. AccuConference

4.2. Adobe Connect

4.3. Assemb’Live

4.4. AT&T Connect

4.5. Big Blue Button

4.6. Big Marker

4.7. Blackboard Collaborate