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Amish people por Mind Map: Amish people

1. No technoligy

1.1. They drive in buggys

1.2. They dont have any electrick lights

1.3. They dont use machines for their farming

1.4. They only have one phone that they never use.

2. How they look

2.1. They look very plane

2.2. No makeup

2.3. When the men get married they have to grow there beard

2.3.1. It is another symbol for a wedding ring

2.4. They all look the same

2.5. They wear old fashioned clothes

2.6. The women have to wear a hat that covers some of their bun

3. Everyday

3.1. The women have to work at home

3.1.1. take care of the children

3.1.2. Cook dinner

3.1.3. Clean the house

3.2. The men have to do farming

3.3. They go in chruch

3.3.1. They turns to have church at their houses

3.4. They go to school until they are fifteen years old. Some armish people send their children to private high schools

3.4.1. They pay public school taxes and pay for their own schools

4. Religion

4.1. They believe that wisdom and understanding are more important then knowledge and facts

4.2. Wisdom rather then technological knowledge

5. Rools

6. Rumspringa

6.1. This is the time as a teenager where you have to decide if you want to be amish or not

6.2. Driveing cars

6.3. Using electricity

6.4. Drugs, alcohol, sex

6.5. You can wear normal clothes

6.6. They party like crazy