In what ways did Greek Culture form from the interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian C...

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In what ways did Greek Culture form from the interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian Cultures? por Mind Map: In what ways did Greek Culture  form from the interaction of the  Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian Cultures?

1. In what ways did geography and climate shaped Greek life

2. Why did most Greeks identify with their local community instead of Greece as a whole?

2.1. Geography nourished small independent communities

3. What were some of Mycenae's strenghts?

3.1. ridge and wall made city secure, strong central rule, trade with other cities possible, able to adapt Minoan culture

4. How did contact with the Minoans affect Mycenaean culture?

4.1. Myceanaeans learned value of seaborne trade from Minoans, they adapted Minoan writing system and artistic designs

5. Why might a detailed history of the Dorian Age be difficult to write?

5.1. lack of written records from this period

6. Why might the account of the Trojan War in Homer's Iliad be unreliable?

6.1. Homer's foucs was poetry, not history, stories passed on verbally tend to change over time

7. Why were the epics of importance to the Greeks of the Dorian period?

7.1. The Greeks of this time lacked writing, so they learned about their history through the spoken word