Initail ideas

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Initail ideas por Mind Map: Initail ideas

1. Music Video

1.1. Last Penny Blues

1.2. America

1.3. Cocaine Submarine

1.4. Them Were the Days

2. Last Penny Blues

2.1. Story of song

2.1.1. The song talks about someone being

2.1.2. short on money and struggling to pay for things

3. Ideas

3.1. Main protagonist of a young male who

3.2. is struggling with money and we see him

3.3. struggling to pay for things and trying to get money.

3.4. Through out the video it is like a comic book universe with split screens and animated onomatopoeia words.

4. Locations

4.1. Shops/ Town - A cafe?

4.2. Gig location e.g. The Sugar Mill if the band was playing there

4.3. A house - this would be where the main protagonist lives

4.4. Will have to get permissions to use some of these locations

5. People in the music video

5.1. Dirty Rotten Souls

5.2. A main protagonist who is a young guy

6. Editing Softwares

6.1. Preimere Pro

6.1.1. Editing footage -->

6.2. Adobe After Effects

6.2.1. for effects like onomatopoeia words being animated and other comic book effects

6.3. Photoshop

6.3.1. To create the words and to edit pictures in the music video

6.4. Flash

6.4.1. Incase we have to animate something that can't be done in Photoshop or After Effects

6.5. Adobe Audition?

6.5.1. Maybe to edit dialogue/sounds that have been recorded in the footage