Heidy's Learning Journey

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Heidy's Learning Journey por Mind Map: Heidy's Learning Journey

1. Visuals

1.1. Graphic organizers

1.1.1. Concept Maps

1.2. First time used: college

1.2.1. Biology class

1.3. Promoted constructivist and meaningful learning

1.3.1. Previous knowledge

1.3.2. Chunk lessons

1.3.3. Lifelong learning

2. Video

2.1. Used as a filling time activity

2.2. Lack of pedagogical guide

2.3. Used at the elementary and secondary level

2.4. Boring!

3. Uninorte

3.1. Vision and mision statement created on behalf of students' learning as a whole

3.2. Action plan oriented to research, academic growth, and student's participation

3.3. Humanistic approach for administrative and academic affairs

3.4. Use of several pedagogical approaches and metotologies to enhance students' learning and develop professional skills

3.5. Extracurricular activities tied to student's context, backgroud, and interests

3.6. Cutting-edge technology

3.7. UN is about the PEOPLE

3.7.1. Knowledgeable faculty

3.7.2. Active and participative students

4. Textbooks in School

4.1. Boring

4.2. Read, answer questionaries

4.3. No tied to context, background and interests

5. Teacher

5.1. Psychology class in college

5.2. Constructivist approach

5.3. Effective communication

5.4. Teach to build life skills

5.4.1. Lifelong Learning

5.5. Related knowledge with life experiences

5.6. Relationship

6. Blogs

6.1. Think-Pair-Share

6.2. Constructivist learning

6.3. Building skills

6.3.1. 21st Century Skills

6.3.2. Writing skills

6.3.3. Design

6.3.4. Creativity

6.3.5. Interpersonal skills

6.4. Used in Graduate course

6.5. Fun!