Shannon Zastrow

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Shannon Zastrow por Mind Map: Shannon Zastrow

1. Creative

1.1. Love big ideas

1.2. Former designer, copy writer, web developer and musician

1.3. Well versed at bringing concepts to life through storytelling

1.4. Highly customer-centric

1.4.1. Empathetic

1.4.2. Intuitive

1.4.3. Uncanny ability to identify with target audience

2. Financial

2.1. Managed multi-million $ budgets

2.2. Built complex financial models for campaign and annual plans

2.3. Well versed in value based steering, CLV, and marketing ROI methods

2.4. Track record of accurate forecasting

3. Shannon is a superb, pure marketer and has demonstrated great business insight in transforming complex services into marketable product. Janet Marrone, VP Operations, CSG Openline

4. Shannon was on my team at T-Mobile and managed the development of a lifecycle communications strategy with visibility up to the CEO. Shannon provided strong leadership, gaining the confidence of senior leaders across the business, as he managed a team of consultants to produce a complex integrated marketing plan and detailed business case. He is easy to work with and a great team player. - Phillip Von Holtzendorff Fehling, VP Strategic CRM, T-Mobile

5. Analytical

5.1. Insights driven decision maker

5.1.1. Accept nothing at face value

5.1.2. Look behind data to find actionable insights

5.1.3. Worked with variety of predictive models to determine timing, investment, offer, message

5.1.4. Extensive partnerships with Consumer Insights and research teams

5.2. Master of test and learn

5.2.1. Architected many campaigns with more than 50 test cells

5.3. Net Promotor Certified Accociate

5.3.1. Built successful T-Mobile retention program around NPS

6. Managerial

6.1. Approachable team builder

6.2. Experienced people manager

6.3. X-functional team leader

6.3.1. Energized in collaborative cultures

6.3.2. Multi-lingual: fluent in creative-, financial-, and technical-speak

6.4. C-level presenter