The Application of MI in a Secondary School

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The Application of MI in a Secondary School por Mind Map: The Application of MI in a Secondary School

1. What is MI?

1.1. Frames of Mind

1.1.1. Gardner (1983)

1.2. The Science of MI

1.2.1. Gardner & Moran (2006)

2. MI to increase Motivation

2.1. MI enhancing self esteem

2.1.1. unknown author (1998)

3. Mi to Increase Proficiency

3.1. improving reading ability

3.1.1. owalabi &okubela (2009)

3.2. MI and reading achievement

3.2.1. Susan (2004)

3.3. MI styles in relation to improve academic performance in reading

3.3.1. Al-Balhan (2006)

3.4. Improving ss' achievement through MI

3.4.1. Bariston (2004)

3.4.2. Uhlir (2003)

3.5. Improving in language art

3.5.1. Gueneveta (200)

4. Teaching Methods Involving MI

4.1. study groups and MI

4.1.1. owalabi &okubela (2009)

4.2. reading strategies aimed at MI

4.2.1. Armstrong, (n.d)

4.3. Psycho-pedagogy and personalized learning

4.3.1. Barton (2007)

4.4. Improving Students' achievement through the use of MI

4.4.1. Bariston (2004)

4.4.2. Uhlir (2003)

4.5. Improving in language arts

4.5.1. Geineveta (200)