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Imperialism por Mind Map: Imperialism

1. Aboriginals

1.1. Christianity was forced on them

1.2. Got diseases such as smallpox

1.3. There life style changed a lot

2. Good Things

2.1. Europe gained a lot of money

2.2. Europe was beginning to get more modernized

2.3. Accurate maps were finally being created

2.4. Common wealth countries were formed

3. Definition

3.1. Imperialism is a way of expanding a country or empire’s authority or domination by using force or military.

4. Europeans

4.1. Using Imperialism countries could now control new lands and their inhabitants.

4.2. Western Europe used imperialism because they always wanted to increase their wealth and power.

4.3. Imperialism Caused the countries to become very competitive and with each always wanting to be better than the other.

5. Bad Things

5.1. Many non-whites and Christian people became slaves

5.2. Aboriginals died from different diseases

5.3. Destroyed aboriginals way of life.

5.4. They took over places in which people have been living in for a long time