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Cinderella por Mind Map: Cinderella

1. It's about a young girl called Cinderella. Her mother dies and she need to live alone with her dad. One day her dad finds a new woman, and suddenly Cinderella has a stepmother and 2 new stepsisters. Her new stepsisters are evil to her and does everything to make her feel bad. They take all her beautiful clothes and she's the one that are cleaning the house. She goes to her mothers grave 3 times a day and cries. One day there is this festival where the prince need to find his princess. Cinderella want to go but her stepmother won't let her. She goes in secret and her magic birds makes the most beautiful dress for her. She goes and the prince fell in love with her. He don't dance with anybody else that whole night. The next 2 days she goes in secret and dance with the prince. Number 3 day she lost her heel and the prince want to find her. Her 2 stepsisters try the shoe on and they have too large feets. They cut toe and heel off but the prince find out. Then Cinderella try it on and it fits perfectly. After that they live happy together and run away.

2. I think the story is a little bit wierd because of the blood in the shoe. And the fact that the birds pick out the stepsister's eyes is wierd. I like the real Cinderella story way better because of the fairys. Also it's a very classy story and I don't think you should change that.

3. Cinderella's dream is to come away from her stupid stepsisters and stepmother. And come to a place where people is nice to her. She want to be loved.