Building better relationships between all students & teachers

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Building better relationships between all students & teachers por Mind Map: Building better relationships between all students & teachers

1. Field Trips

1.1. Buddy system

1.2. Sitting together in transportation

1.3. great experience to have together

1.4. Fun memories

2. Notes

2.1. What could have been done better

2.2. was there any problems

2.3. what was helpful with the goal of getting all students and teachers to get along

3. Group Discussion

3.1. Ways to build mutual respect

3.2. How they want to be treated

3.3. How you can make them want to go to school

4. Schedule

4.1. Plane schedules

4.1.1. not to be missed or trip is ruined

4.2. tour bus schedules

4.2.1. so no sights are missed

4.3. timings before bed

4.3.1. so no one is tired

5. Getting everyone in the class to get along

5.1. Ice-breakers

5.1.1. learning names

5.1.2. learning something about eachother

5.1.3. making it easier to talk to eachother

5.2. A lot of partner projects

5.3. Switching up the partners

6. possible outcome

6.1. reduces bullying

6.1.1. no more cyberspace

6.1.2. no more physical

6.1.3. and no more verbal abuse

6.2. Reduced graffity

6.2.1. school is more presentable

6.3. positive surroundings

6.3.1. no more swearing

6.3.2. no more back talk

6.3.3. less depression