Social Learning

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Social Learning por Mind Map: Social Learning

1. Keys to Effective Social Media Strategies in Schools

1.1. #1 Have a plan: when + how you will use social media

1.2. #2 Know your users: what content do they want/need

1.3. #3 Use tools to monitor social media conversations about your district

1.4. #4 Develop a social media strategy and plan

1.5. #5 Monitor effectiveness of strategy by tracking/analyzing statistics

2. Social Learning in the Workplace

2.1. Make learning more accessible

2.2. Make learning more personal and engaging

2.3. Stimulate internal conversations and collaboration

3. Social Media for School Projects

3.1. Twitter

3.1.1. research source

3.1.2. page = marketing

3.2. Facebook

3.2.1. group work communication

3.3. YouTube

3.3.1. research sources

3.3.2. visual learning

3.3.3. posting projects

4. Pros of Social Media in the Classroom

4.1. students know it

4.2. collaboration

4.3. discussion

4.4. meaningful dialogue

4.5. idea exchange

4.6. boost student interactions

4.7. build communication skills

4.8. increase student engagement

4.9. improve student/teacher communication

4.10. students gain workplace/job hunting skills

5. Cons of Social Media in the Classroom

5.1. distracting

5.2. cyberbullying

5.3. discourages face/face communication

5.4. lossof face/face social skills for workplace/job interviews

5.5. lossof face/face social skills for workplace/job interviews