How substances can be obtained through scientific methods and apparatus.

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How substances can be obtained through scientific methods and apparatus. por Mind Map: How substances can be obtained through scientific methods and apparatus.

1. 3. Pure Water

1.1. Boiling

1.1.1. Bunsen burner

1.1.2. Aluminium bowl

1.1.3. Water reaches boiling point and turns into water vapour. It rises out of the aluminium bowl as water vapour.

1.1.4. Condensing Aluminium foil Wet cloth The wet cloth is placed on top of the aluminium foil to keep it cool. The water vapour then comes into contact into the cooler surface of the aluminium foil and condenses, giving us pure water.

2. 1. Sand

2.1. Filtering

2.1.1. Cloth

2.1.2. Sand is obtained as residue by filtering the mixture through the cloth as sand particles is too big to pass through the cloth.

3. 2. Salt

3.1. Heating to dryness

3.1.1. Bunsen burner

3.1.2. Aluminium bowl

3.1.3. Heating the filtrate to dryness causes all the water to boil, leaving behind the salt