Performing Arts

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Performing Arts por Mind Map: Performing Arts

1. Words for Tempo

1.1. Adagio

1.1.1. Very Slow

1.2. Andante

1.2.1. Slow

1.3. Moderato

1.3.1. Medium

1.4. Alegro

1.4.1. Fast

1.5. Presto

1.5.1. Very Fast

2. The Voice

2.1. Vocal Folds

2.2. Tranchea

2.3. Epiglotis

2.4. Tongue

2.5. Esophagus

3. Ballroom Dancing

3.1. Cha-Cha-Cha

3.2. The Waltz

3.3. Cha-Cha-Cha

4. Breathing Correctly

4.1. Abdominal

4.2. Intercostal Diofragmatic

4.3. Clavicular

5. 7 reasons for people to dance now and then

5.1. To gather

5.2. To socialize

5.3. To have fun

5.4. For religious reasons

5.5. For festive reasons

5.6. For artistic manifestation

5.7. For physical exercise