Post secondary Options

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Post secondary Options por Mind Map: Post secondary Options

1. scholarship

1.1. it help you paying half of college

2. ACT

2.1. some college need the act test to enter their college

2.2. high score

2.3. low score then can't enter

3. Tuition

3.1. buy your own book

3.2. college charge

4. University

4.1. for all students

4.2. profissenal teaching

5. Junior college

5.1. for students that want a two years college

6. Bachelor Degree

6.1. have to go four years college

6.2. Have to study lot of things

6.3. have to be very profissenal

7. College

7.1. public

7.1.1. tax money get help from government

7.2. private

7.2.1. cost a lot of money

7.2.2. doesn't get help from government

7.2.3. have to donation

8. Community college

8.1. cheaper

8.2. transform to a four years college

8.3. bad grades doesn't mine

9. 2 Years college

9.1. not cause more then four years

9.2. get a degree

9.3. faster