Input & Output Device

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Input & Output Device por Mind Map: Input & Output Device

1. Output Devices: They are used to remove information or data from the computer

1.1. Printers:

1.2. Benefits: Data removal and replication for circulation purposes

1.3. Challenges: Cost of printing and size of equipment needed for network capacity computers.

1.4. Learning Benefit: Allows student the opportunity to take the information with them and engage other areas of their learning style. Additional practice with the content.

2. Input Devices: These are devices that are used to enter data into the computer

2.1. Keyboards:

2.2. Benefits: Ease of data input

2.3. Challenge: Space and Can lead to wrist and finger issues if not ergonomic

2.4. Learning Benefit: It allows for repetition and allows the learning to use more than one sense to complete the task. Thus increasing the memory and recall ability of the learner.