Types of Databases

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Types of Databases por Mind Map: Types of Databases

1. Network Database

1.1. Similar to hierarchical database, except it allows many-to-many relationships. Structured like a spider web.

2. Dimensional Database

2.1. A dimensional database stores data across more than two dimensions. Information is "stacked" in bocks.

3. Object Database

3.1. Can define objects that have slightly different attributes, as well as define functions for managing those objects.

4. Hierarchical Database

4.1. Allows one-to-many and one-to-one relationships. Structured like a tree.

5. Relational Database

5.1. It is a database with multiple tables with items that are linked by reference IDs and other related information, such as categories.

5.2. Tables can be linked or unlinked based on a specific task.