The Journey that saved Curious George.

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The Journey that saved Curious George. por Mind Map: The Journey that saved Curious George.

1. How this book deals with the concept of change.

1.1. This book deals with the concept of change because this book is about the changes that is going on in Reys' life .

1.2. This book also deals with change by how they changed the name of Fifi to The beloved book Curious George.

2. Personal thoughts

2.1. Did Fifi and Whiteblack have ties to any thing in Reys' Early life?

2.2. What made the Reys' change Fifi to Curious George?

3. Quotes from the book.

3.1. " On May 19, Hans recorded Songs in his notebook. It would be the last day that H.A. Rey pained his book illustrations in France ."

3.2. " Like Hans Reyersbach and Margarete Waldstein, the little French monkey Fifi would change his name , and it would become one to remember the well-loved Curious George.

4. Keywords and Phrases

4.1. Rio De Janiero

4.2. "Montmartre, the neighborhood of Paris that was Famous for the many artists who lived there".

4.3. Reys' First book : The Adventures of Fifi

5. Important Symbols and there meanings.

5.1. The Statue Of Liberty- the landmark of freedom given to America in Friendship by France and the freedom from the Nazis of Germany.

6. Message behind story

6.1. The story is about the Reys family during the time of the Nazis reign and how they went through alot of change and in the end came out the well-loved book character Curious George