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English Classes por Mind Map: English Classes

1. Numbers

1.1. Numbers from one to one hundred

1.2. Magic english - Numbers

2. Father's day

2.1. Arts and Crafts "Father's day card"

3. Clothes

3.1. Shoes, shorts, pants, skirt, dress...

3.2. Story "Baby monkey clothes"

3.3. Canção "I put on my.."

4. Colours

4.1. Orange, blue, red, pink, purple, yellow...

5. Human Body

5.1. Canção "Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes

5.2. Vocabulary: feet, hands, knees, legs, arms, mouth, hair..

6. Food

6.1. Food

6.1.1. Canção "I love food"

6.2. Desserts

6.3. Drinks

6.3.1. Water

6.3.2. Juice

6.3.3. Tea

6.4. Fruits

6.5. Vegetables

7. Easter

7.1. Canção "It's Easter"

7.2. Powerpoint "Easter"

8. Animals

8.1. Wild animals

8.2. Farm animals

8.3. Pets