"hobbies or passions we care about"

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"hobbies or passions we care about" por Mind Map: "hobbies or passions we care about"

1. collecting interesting stones on the beach

2. growing succulent cuttings

3. knitting and making friendship bracelets

4. thinking about how knowledge is produced vs how handicrafts are learned and passed through generations

5. watching sitcomes

6. going to museums

7. learning new languages (right now: French)

8. painting

9. digital painting and art

10. kneading bread and letting it rise

11. cooking everything (inventing recipes myself)

12. cooking spicy curries

13. swimming

14. enjoying company, eating meals together

15. hacking cool automated watering systems for my houseplants

16. reading old timey cookbooks to get a feel about how meals used to be like