Talking Parrot Helps Cops Solve Murder!

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Talking Parrot Helps Cops Solve Murder! por Mind Map: Talking Parrot Helps Cops Solve Murder!

1. Incident #1

1.1. Ralph become upset by a man after losing a game of pool at the bar and follows him home and kills him.

2. Incident #2

2.1. Cops are called and start the first 48. Ralph flees the state. There is nothing that helps cops out.

3. Incident #3

3.1. Simon, the parrot, replays the victim's last words giving cops a clue as to who killed the victim.

4. Conclusion

4.1. The cops catch up to Ralph in Des Moines, Iowa.

5. Conflict

5.1. Ralph killed a man; now the cops are after him.

6. Characters

6.1. Ralph (Criminal)

6.2. Simon (Talking Parrot)

6.3. Police

7. Setting

7.1. Present Day

7.2. Minneapolis

7.3. American Culture