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Digital Safety por Mind Map: Digital Safety

1. Example

1.1. a Person gets a popup ad that click on it and accidently downloads a virus on your computer

1.2. A person Gets a message that says he/she you can win a XBOX ONE if you fill this ad or download a program

2. A Person Getting an Email that says you should go DIE!!!

3. Solution

3.1. Put an antivirus on your computer, put internet safety to maximum, and/or don’t click on it close it out

3.2. active an ad blocker on your browser settings.

4. Internet Safety is when you protect your computer from the badness of the internet, like ads, hackers, Cyber Bullying, and

5. Examples

5.1. You get a text that shows a picture of you that makes you look like a hippo (calling you fat)

6. Cyberbullying

7. Internet Safety

8. Password Safety is when you protect your password by making it hard to hack and/or guess.

9. Solution

9.1. make password more difficult, by putting symbols and/or numbers, just mix the stuff together to make a password

9.2. Ask a parent or guardian for help and/or report to Google to deactivate account of that fake

10. Examples

10.1. Google Emailing you that someone is signing in as you different country

10.2. A Email from a fake Google to change your password

11. Cyberbullying is when a person bullies a person digitally

12. Solution

12.1. Tell Teacher, parent, guardian, and/or just ignore it.

12.2. Report the email to you parent or guardian

13. Password Safety