Hunman system

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Hunman system por Mind Map: Hunman system

1. Circulatory system

1.1. Heart

1.1.1. Pump blood around the body

1.2. Blood

1.2.1. Carries water,digested food,oxygen and waste

1.3. Blood veins

1.3.1. Transport blood around the body

2. Digestive system

2.1. Mouth

2.1.1. Moisture the food with saliva and slightly break down the food

2.2. Gullet

2.2.1. Transport the food to stomache

2.3. Stomache

2.3.1. Further break down the food

2.4. Small intestine

2.4.1. Absorbs digested food into blood stream

2.5. Large intestine

2.5.1. Absorbs water from teh waste

2.6. Anus

2.6.1. Where waste are passed out of the body

3. Risperatory system

3.1. Nose

3.1.1. Where air is taken in and carbon dioxide is released

3.2. Windpipe

3.2.1. A passage way for the air to reach the lungs

3.3. Lungs

3.3.1. Where gaseous exchange takes place