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Plants por Mind Map: Plants

1. Chlorophyll

1.1. Chlorophyll is the substance in the plants that makes them green.

2. What does each part of the plant do

2.1. Stem

2.1.1. 1. Holds up the leaves and flowers.

2.1.2. 2. Tiny tubes inside the stem carry water and nutrients to the rest of the plant

2.2. Flowers

2.2.1. Flowers produce the seeds. The flower makes the new seeds and reproduces new plants.

2.2.2. * Petals- protects the seeds. Petals are often colorful. They are different shapes and sizes. They attract bees, butterflies, birds, and other living things.

2.2.3. * Sepals- cover and protects the flower as it grows. Small green leafs before the petals. Sepals are the leaf like parts that cover and protect the flower bud.

2.2.4. * Pistil- female organ (eggs)

2.2.5. * Stamen- male organ (pollen)

2.3. Leaves

2.3.1. Leaves make food for plants. They take sunlight and energy from the sun and make food for the plant.

2.4. Roots

2.4.1. 1. Holds the plant in place.

2.4.2. 2. They carry water and minerals from the soil to the plants.

3. The steps for a plant to grow

3.1. First step

3.1.1. When a seed begins to grow, it absorbs water and swells. The seeds coat splits open.

3.2. Second step

3.2.1. The young plant inside the seed uses stored food to grow. The first root and the first stem push through the seed coat.

3.3. Third step

3.3.1. By now, the leaves have begun to grow and make food for the plant through photosynthesis.

3.4. Last step

4. What do plants need to grow

4.1. Sunlight

4.1.1. Plants need energy from the sun to make food.

4.2. Water

4.2.1. Plants use water to move food to all parts of the plants. Water helps plants grow.

4.3. Carbon dioxide

4.3.1. Plants use carbon dioxide from the air to make food.

4.4. Minerals

4.4.1. Plants get nutrients from the soil.

5. Photosynthesis

5.1. In photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide that their leaves absorb from the air and water that their roots absorb from the soil.