Action Research September-October (FALL)

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Action Research September-October (FALL) por Mind Map: Action Research September-October (FALL)

1. Choose Topic

1.1. Understand the topic

1.1.1. gather information

1.2. Develop your own perspective

1.3. Demonstrate knowledge

1.4. discuss project with school director and colleagues

2. Keep Track of Citation

2.1. APA format

2.2. summarize

2.3. Literature review

3. Implement Action

3.1. classroom

3.1.1. implement new lessons or ideas into

3.2. school

3.3. across several classrooms or schools

4. Research & Collect Data

4.1. Scholarly articles

4.1.1. Goal 1

4.1.2. Goal 2

4.2. Books

4.2.1. Session Rule 1

4.2.2. Session Rule 2

4.2.3. Session Rule 2

4.3. Conventions

4.4. Annual meetings

4.5. Conference proceddings

4.6. Reflect. Act. Evaluate.

4.7. connect with others working on same topic or idea

5. Work the Brain

5.1. Develop major concepts

5.2. Significant to research

5.3. Stand alone work

5.4. Part of larger work

5.5. Make it coherent

6. Write, Revise, Bibliography

6.1. Work with Supervisor

6.1.1. this could be a back and forth process..

6.2. send through grammarly

6.3. use St Kate's writing help

6.4. colleague editing

6.5. publish

7. Analyze date

7.1. quantitative, if using

7.2. qualitative

7.3. from a variety of sources in action research such as surveys, observations, work samples, artifacts, interviews, journal entries, digital content

7.4. results applicable to settings with similar contexts