MY PLE. Pau Vega.

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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MY PLE. Pau Vega. por Mind Map: MY PLE. Pau Vega.

1. Creations

1.1. Prezi

1.2. Mindmaps

1.3. Powertoon

1.4. Mindmomo

1.5. Microsoft World

1.6. Slide Share

2. Interest

2.1. integration of mediation in class.

2.2. different resources to motivate studenst learing

2.3. design of materials

2.4. Applications for tables

2.5. games design

2.6. Strategies for teaching communicative language

2.7. How to teach in levels different from preschool.

3. Participants

3.1. Teachers

3.2. Partners

3.3. My Class

4. Things that makes me nervous

4.1. Expositions

4.2. working in groups with people I don´t know.

4.3. Quiz

4.4. Exams

5. Sharing

5.1. Dropbox

5.2. Mail

5.3. Messages

5.4. Blogs

5.5. Youtube

5.6. Photograps

6. Interaction

6.1. e-mails

6.2. Skype

6.3. Whatsapp

6.4. Forum

6.5. Chats

6.6. Phonecalls

6.7. Text Messages

6.8. Personal Meetings

7. Strategies that complement my learning

7.1. Sharing my works with my peers

7.2. Receiving feedback from my peers

7.3. Receving feebacks fromy teachers

7.4. Receiving feedback from my school collegues

8. Activities I enjoy

8.1. Design and plan activities with lot of movement.

8.2. using tool to create an interactive way of teaching.

8.3. drawings

8.4. Having to use my cellphone for sharing, interact or create.